Android Webview app + push notifications + submission to Play Store


10 Days Delivery

Unlimited Revisions

  • ✅ App submission
  • ✅ 1 operating system
  • ✅ App icon
  • ✅ Splash screen


We will convert your website to an android or iOS app. Also, upload it to the google play store & app store

(make sure your site is mobile compatible. you can check that in a mobile browser.)

As more than 80% of traffic comes from mobile, therefore this is a great way to improve traffic on your site.

Your app will look the same as it looks in the mobile browser and also updates automatically when you update the site.

We will also provide a push notification service so you can always broadcast an important update or news to your audience.

App submission on Google Play and Apple app store under YOUR developer accounts ( iOS App approval depends on your site & reviewer who reviews the app so there is no guarantee of iOS app approval).



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